FlexVines™ are the strongest artificial vines on the market! We construct them out of a durable polyurethane which is animal friendly and will stand up to all but the most extreme weather conditions. You can order them in a variety of styles, sizes, and textures, and they are the perfect enrichment for any enclosure or exhibit, large or small. Explore our options below, and contact us to order your naturalistic artificial vine today!
Custom pricing, call or click below for a custom quote
(916) 454-3414
Custom pricing, call or click below for a custom quote
(916) 454-3414
Custom pricing, call or click below for a custom quote
(916) 454-3414

We offer a variety of textures and finished looks for your vine to reflect your naturalistic or biological needs. Don’t settle on that old and tried rope look which diminishes the aesthetics of so many exhibits. We offer vine textures from our basic Jungle texture, our Woody Growth texture (more bark, less scarring), our Old Growth texture (more scarring, less bark), and our Liana vine style. We can vary the finished look to meet your needs as well. Want them more green in color? Need darker, lighter, or even more red-brown vines? Want more or less lichens on the vine? Have an idea for a color or texture that might work for you? Feel free to contact us about custom orders.
Custom pricing, call or click below for a custom quote
(916) 454-3414

Order your vines with the necessary diameter for your needs, whether it be small reptiles or larger, weight-bearing primates. Our vines work with any animal in any environment, including underwater! Combine sizes to create layering and jungle effects. Increase the immersion your exhibit creates for guests and visitors. Enhance your exhibit’s educational value. We offer size diameters in 0.625 inch, 0.75 in, 1 in, 1.5 in, 2 in, 2.5 in, and 3 inch increments, ordered to the length of your specification.
Custom pricing, call or click below for a custom quote
(916) 454-3414

To accommodate the diverse needs of our clients, we offer several attachment options for our custom ZooVines™. Looped ends can be hooked onto existing tree branches, snags and similar structures. Clamped ends (pictured above) offer the greatest amount of strength and are intended for stronger and heavier-bodied species such as larger primates. We also offer straight vine ends and custom options,
Custom pricing, call or click below for a custom quote
(916) 454-3414

In addition to our standard flexible and posable vines, we can combine multiple vines of any diameter and style at a single attachment point of any sort for a custom “tangled” look. We can customize your basic vine order by wrapping it in another smaller vine or two for depth and a more diverse look. We offer custom sized strangler fig reproductions which can be attached to any tree for a tropical look, or attached to any wall, log, or rock for additional climbing purchase and enrichment. Have an idea we haven’t thought of? We’d love to explore any specific needs you might have to come up with a custom vine tailored to your qualifications.
Custom pricing, call or click below for a custom quote
(916) 454-3414